We can recycle all our stock hats and caps

Published - 11th April, 2022

Working closely with our Recycling Partner, we’re able to offer a fully secure recycling service. This is on all supplied headwear items branded or plain, on any item that is rejected or fails the decoration quality control, or  a pre production sample. We can recycle them all!

Why do we offer this?

We appreciate that incorrect, incomplete, or rejected logos on caps, hats or beanies must not find their way into circulation as they may damage your customer’s brands.

As well as this we are aiming to deliver against all our environmental goals. This is why we developed this secure recycling service.

The materials that are produced from the destruction process are sold in Business to Business (B2B) transactions into the appropriate sector. These materials are in free circulation via B2B supply chains. The diagram here illustrates the most common outcomes within the different tiers of recycling that we can achieve. The bulk of our waste ends up in tier 1 or 2.


What do we recycle?

Tier 1

The cotton from our caps and beanies is recycled and re-spun into new cotton yarn. The yarn, and material made from the yarn, is then sold on, some to well known brands.

Tier 2

Materials classified as tier 2, are often purchased by car manufacturers and airlines which use the material for insulation. It can also end up as sound boarding within call centres.

Tier 3

We try to ensure that minimal material ends up in tier 3. Here the waste is often turned into an Energy From Waste (EFW) solution, which provides electricity the national grid.

Metal recycling

The materials that we recycle made of metal includes the top button and buckle adjuster. These items, when applicable, are then reused in metal manufacturing.

Recycled here in the UK

All textiles are securely deconstructed by our partners own custom-built cross-cut industrial shredder here in the UK. This ensures the textiles are broken down into small pieces that are non-recognisable, protecting the brands we work with.

All the practices are in line and compliant with ISO 9001 & 14001, BS EN: 15713 2009 and BS 7858 accreditations.

Once the textiles are destroyed, they are packed into mill size bales and transported to specialist facilities to begin the recycling phase.

When any textile product is deemed redundant, we endeavor to limit the environmental impact by closing the loop & reducing the miles that textiles will cover.

The audit process

Our fully audited process keeps you and your clients completely in the loop.